Last Updated June 17, 2023
How the Moon’s Phases Affect Women’s Cycles In Midlife
The Moon represents the feminine energy that is embodied inside the womb of every woman, regardless of her age or stage of life development. As women in midlife, we can learn to align to our own natural intuition and rhythm of the phases of the moon. The sacred practices of Moon rituals have their roots in ancient times including Egypt, Babylonia, India, China and Native American cultures. The influence of the Moon’s hidden power continues to have an impact on today’s modern lifestyles. Living by the phases of the moon is a lifestyle deeply connected to your unique dreams and purpose. Lunar living allows women in midlife to connect to your own inner wisdom and gracefully manifest a life you love.
Moon Phases And Menopause
The Moon represents both our physical and emotional body. Each phase of the moon is energetically connected to a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. As women in midlife, who are going through menopause, we get to embrace the actual lunar cycle as our own rhythm. Begin by becoming aware of the two key phases of the moon, the New Moon and Full Moon. Becoming intuitively aware of the New Moon and Full Moon cycles is beneficial as you set aside time for monthly self-care to reconnect with your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Each month, the ebb and flow of the Moon calls every woman to pass through her own phases as she enters cycles of envisioning, manifesting, self-reflecting, releasing, rebirth and renewal.
“Living life in keeping with the lunar phases has a special meaning to women: As we are emotionally and, perhaps, physically, following the same phases. As the moon needs to recede, withdraw, and renew each month, so do we. We travel across different emotional states the same way the moon travels around the Earth.” ~ Lauren Martin,
Full Moon and New Moon Meanings
Moon rituals are about harnessing the energy of the moon’s phases to manifest your desires. The two key lunar cycles we will focus on are the New Moon and Full Moon.
New Moon– The New Moon symbolizes a new cycle, rebirth and new beginnings. It is a time for turning inward and self-reflection. Experience renewed energy, setting new goals and intentions for what you want to create in your life. It is an opportunity to express gratitude and begin taking action to manifesting your dreams during the waxing moon.
Full Moon-The Full Moon reveals emotions that are already present and ready to be released. It is a time for cleansing and releasing what is no longer serving you. Synchronization with the lunar cycle can help you tap into the energy of the Full Moon and release any negative emotions or patterns that are holding you back.
Moon rituals are about harnessing the energy of the moon phases to manifest your desires. The two key lunar cycles we will focus on are the New Moon and Full Moon.
What is a Moon ritual?
A Moon ritual is a beautiful spiritual practice that embraces symbolic actions and allows individuals to align their energy with the varying phases of the moon. This practice aims to establish intentions, let go of negative energy, and bring forth their heartfelt desires. Engaging in a Moon ritual often entails serene meditation, soulful journaling, the soft glow of candlelight, and the meaningful enactment of other symbolic rituals that create a profound connection with the ever-changing lunar cycle. Learn how to create your own Moon ritual below.
6 Tips To Create Your Own Moon Rituals
Developing A Moon ritual is a way to connect to the natural rhythms of the lunar cycle. Below are 6 tips to create your own Moon rituals.
1. Moon Bathing
Are you familiar with moon bathing? Spending time outside under the light of the moon is a calming and spiritual exercise. Moon bathing is believed to have many benefits, including reducing stress, boosting creativity, and promoting better sleep. Some people even incorporate moon water into their rituals, using it for cleansing and healing purposes. To try it out yourself, find a quiet spot under a clear night sky and spend some time basking in the luminance of the moon. You can meditate, journal, or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. Give it a try and see how it makes you feel!
2.Botanical Moon Baths
Botanical moon baths with sea salt, herbs and essential oils are a beautiful moon ritual. These baths are not only relaxing but also offer a range of mental health benefits for both body and mind. The sea salt helps to detoxify the body while the herbs and essential oils provide aromatherapy benefits, helping to reduce stressors and promote calm and relaxation. Additionally, moon baths can help to balance hormones, improve sleep quality, and even boost the immune system. So next time there’s a full moon or new moon, why not try to purify and cleanse your energy by bathing in an aromatic blend of Dead Sea salt, Epsom salt, herbs and essential oils. As you bath reflect on what you want to let go of. Here are my favorite herbal bath soak recipes to try. Shop handmade herbal bath soaks here.
3.Moon Alter
Moon alters are set up to harness the power of the moon during the lunar cycles in the calendar month. Setting up a Moon alter can be done indoors or outdoors. You can use a dedicated tray or a space in your home. Choose items that are symbolic for you. Some items to include on your Moon alter are; crystals, a candle, essential oils, plants or flowers, a container to hold water, a personal symbol such as a statue or picture, a mirror, a smudge stick or incense, and a piece of paper with affirmations. Begin by setting an intention for what you’d like to manifest in your life, then light your candles and focus on the flame as you meditate. The benefits of performing moon rituals include increased mindfulness, improved emotional well-being, and a deeper connection with the natural world around us.
4.Cleanse Your Space
Cleansing your space during a moon ritual helps to bring in positive energy, and assist you to release limiting beliefs. Popular tools for moon rituals are smudging sprays, herbal wands, and palo santo. Smudging sprays or Moon Mists are perfect for those who prefer a smoke-free option, while natural herbal wands and Palo Santo are great for those who enjoy the traditional method of burning herbs. To perform a moon ritual with these tools, start by setting an intention for your space and lighting the smudge wand or palo santo. Allow the smoke to fill the room, focusing on your intention as you move around the space. If using a smudging spray, simply mist the area while focusing on your intention. The benefits of moon rituals and smudging include clearing negative energy, promoting relaxation and calmness, and improving overall well-being. So whether you’re looking to create a peaceful atmosphere in your home or need to refresh your energy after a long day, incorporating moon rituals and smudging can be a wonderful addition to your self-care routine.
5.Moon Journaling
Using a Moon journal in your daily life to keep track of the phases of the moon will help you follow the lunar cycles. This practice of moon journaling, allows you to record your thoughts, intentions, and experiences during each phase of the moon. Give yourself permission to self-reflect as you write, letting the words flow out on paper. You may want to write out your new intentions and what you want to attract this month during the New Moon phase. During the Full Moon, you may write down all that you want to release and let go of. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Invite yourself to follow your inner intuition as you write from your heart. Download Your Free Moon Journal here. The benefits of moon rituals and journaling are endless – from increased mindfulness and self-awareness to enhanced intuition and creativity. You just may discover a whole new level of connection and clarity with yourself and the universe around you.
6. Yoga & Meditation
The ancient practice of Yoga honored the phases of the moon. The word Hatha in Sanskrit translates Sun (ha) and Moon (tha). Hatha Yoga refers to the physical practice and postures of Yoga. Syncing your Yoga practice with the lunar cycle helps you connect with your own emotions and inner alignment. Practicing yoga during the full moon can help release any pent-up energy or emotions, while practicing during the new moon can be a time for setting intentions and planting seeds for growth. Through the physical practice of Yoga, you will learn to unite your breath and body as you move into stillness and Meditation. Meditation represents the Moon phase of the practice and promotes a state of calmness. Recent studies promote Yoga as beneficial for both younger women as well as older women in their middle years, ” Yoga is highly effective and is strongly recommended to all women. Yoga supports a woman throughout all the phases of her life.” (Kshama Kulkarni et al: An Overview on Yoga alongside Its Benefits in Menarche and Menopause. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2021). The benefits of regular yoga and meditation practice can reduce stress and anxiety, improve flexibility and balance, promote overall well-being, and align with the lunar month. Practice The Yoga Moon Salutation Sequence below.
Free Wellness Strategy Session
Moon rituals are a wonderful way for women in midlife to connect with themselves, practice self-care, and find balance through yoga and natural solutions. By incorporating these rituals into your routine, you can create a sense of calm and clarity that will benefit you both physically and mentally. It’s important to take the time to prioritize your well-being, especially during this transformative stage of life.
If you’re interested in learning more about how Moon rituals can help you on your wellness journey, consider signing up for a free Wellness Strategy Session. We would love to help guide you towards a happier and healthier life.
Together we will explore a holistic path of wellness and self-care for you to bring harmony between mind and heart and body. Take the first step towards nurturing yourself.
You are worth it!